Walking and hiking

Fjärås Bräcka’s nature trail

The nature trail at Fjärås Bräcka is 1,5 km long and begins at the  naturum and follows the crest of the drift northward toward the church. Then, it makes its way back east of the road. Be sure to take one of the brochures available at the  naturum with you as you hike. The brochure lists the 10 numbered stops along the trail and offers some interesting information to read.

Try the stairs

Test your endurance and take the 142 steps down to the gravel pit. On several of the steps, you will be able to see how high the sea level was 10,000 – 11,000 years ago. Today’s stairs are a reconstruction of an older staircase that was on site from 1917-1921.

The Halland Trail

The Halland trail connects to the Skåne trail in the south, and to the Bohus trail in the north.

The trail separates into an easterly and westerly stretch at Simlångsgården. Both stretches reunite at the Åkulla area.

From Varberg, you are able to follow the long-distance walking trail ”E-path 1” and connect to other parts of the Halland trail just before Åkulla.

The Halland trail follows old routes with a great number of cultural remains in the form of ancient monuments and historical buildings. Many of these sites are marked with informational signs.

The landscape changes the entire time. At one moment, you can be wandering through deep woods, only to later come upon an open landscape with horse paddocks and small red cottages.

The entire stretch is just about 360 km and the trail is sectioned into 25 stages.